
Determined to write something.

Ah, nearly 6 months have passed since I last posted-- and even that wasn't a post that qualifies as anything unique, or perceptive, or significant. (By the way, it is thanks to this man that I am even writing: Scott Moore. I love writer-friends.) Anyway, it's after 1:00am, and I'm getting tired, but I am so full I have to let something out.

Where to begin but with my most overwhelming thought: God is good. Even in trials, in valleys, he is unchangeable and he is faithful. Tonight I was listening to music and facebooking, sitting cross-legged on my bed... and I found myself dancing. And I thought of the very verse that titles this blog: Psalm 30:11-12.

"You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart my sing your praises and not be silent. LORD my God, I will praise you forever."

So much has transpired in 6 months. But I'm thrilled to say that God has removed distractions, and I am back. :)


  1. very professional done!

  2. Welcome back!

    I find that life is like that. Sometimes, one has plenty to write about. At other times, one scrambles for ideas. And, if you are like me, where blogging is not your main preoccupation, then making time to sit down to write is yet another challenge.

    May the Lord bless you as you go about your life.
