

Just a quick post to share what I've been reading this summer - or at least trying to read, amidst wedding planning, premarital counseling, leading a ministry with my sweet fiance, living life and trying to prepare to be a wife! Phew. It's been quite a summer.

So, literally, my bookshelves are empty. We already packed all of my books! So crazy. But a couple remain near me most of the time:

Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster
My small group typically goes through an agreed upon book every summer. (Last year it was A Hole in Our Gospel by Richard Stearns... Highly recommend this, especially for anyone interested in ministry, missions near and far, and serving.) Anyway, CofD discusses 12 different spiritual disciplines, their history, their purpose, and how to grow in each of them. So far we have done:
- Meditation
- Prayer
- Fasting
- Study
- Simplicity

And this week we are on Solitude. I have to confess that I have not yet read the Simplicity chapter, and that is perhaps because I know that I will be challenged by its words. Eek... I have till 7pm tomorrow night to finish, and by the grace of God I will participate in discussion. Overall I am really enjoying this book and plan to re-read it many times in my life. Unfortunately I'm not getting as much out of it in this read as I would like (with the many distractions of this season of my life), but hopefully after the wedding I can get caught up and be sanctified through it.

Real Marriage by Mark & Grace Driscoll
First of all, I know, I know. I've read many articles, blogs, and reviews. I've heard interviews, I've had conversations, I've also ignored conversations. Let me share my stance on the Driscolls & this book: I believe they are my family in Christ, I believe they are no less in need of sanctification as I, and I believe they - LIKE ME - have room to grow. I do not care to get into any debate or discussion about them or their ministry. If you do not like them/their views/their ministry... then don't read their book, don't listen to their sermons, and if you encounter anyone who has been wounded by their ministry, then be the hands and feet of Jesus and minister to them instead of slandering on the internet.

/rant over.

Jordan and I have been meeting monthly with our small group leaders going through this book as we prepare for marriage. Driscoll's ministry has strongly affected Jordan's growth into the man God would have him be, and for that I am thankful. This book has sparked great conversation for us as a couple and growth individually and together. As in all things, read this with discernment. But for us, it has been a great tool in preparing us for marriage - at least as far as we can see. Which is 2 1/2 weeks before our wedding, so take that with a grain of salt. ;)

Dying to Read.

Now a list of what I am so looking forward to reading:

Both of those books were birthday gifts from Jordan. With Platform came this comment: "Because you're going to write a book someday." I love him! (Tip #1 to finding your future husband: Pick someone who supports your dreams.)

We affectionately refer to him as 'The Stache.' The man has an amazing mustache. This book was also gifted to us by friends, and as leaders in ministry, we are really looking forward to reading this.

Just released this past week, this book was written by the pastor of our church, Harvest Bible Chapel. I read a portion of the free chapter online - and I was captivated. I'm definitely looking forward to reading this and praying for the impact it might have on churches worldwide. To God be the glory.

Shoot... maybe I should make a list of FICTION to read. I think Jordan decided not to bring any nonfiction or any books intended for personal growth on our honeymoon. He just wants to relax and enjoy... I don't think I can commit to the same thing!! 

But I will pick at least ONE fiction book to bring with. Any suggestions?

Thanks for reading! Be back sooner than last time -- I promise!!


19 days till 'I DO'!!!!!

This is the Dole Mansion, where our reception will be held!


  1. Have you read Craig Thompson's Habibi yet? :)

  2. I am reading Real Marriage right now also! I did not know that there was so much controversy over this couple and their ministry, but I am loving the book either way.

    1. Thanks for reading & commenting! Glad to hear Real Marriage is beneficial for you. :) Hope you'll come back!

  3. I can't believe your wedding is SO close! I am so excited!! I just read the simplicity chapter and it is definitely a little challenging. : ) love you and miss you!

    1. I know!! I'm so excited too. I will message you this week about the backdrop for the photobooth. I can't find tinsel in a good color anywhere!! But might have found an alternative. Love and miss you too! - and I still haven't read the simplicity chapter. I skipped it and went straight on to solitude for last night, which was challenging as well!
