
And she walks.

"No turning back."
The wedding processional begins.
"This isn't always going to be easy."
The music plays slowly, loudly. It's beckoning her.
"I love him."
The crowd, fully of familiar, smiling faces, rises.
"He loves me."
She can almost make out the ear-to-ear smile on his face as he waits for her.
"I want this."
She clutches on to her daddy's arm - the only comfort guiding her to her new, unfamiliar life, only steps and moments away.
"I love you, punkin. You ready?"
Her dad's words calm her fears, if even for a moment. She tears her eyes from the doorway to meet his eyes.  His are full of love, pride, and encouragement; hers full of fear and questioning.
He knows her heart. He knows this is right. He offers a gentle smile and leans to kiss her cheek.
"You are beautiful. You've been such a blessing to my life, but the time has come to let you go." A tear silently slides down his cheek.
"Thanks Dad. I love you." She squeezes his arm and fights the tears.
The doors open.
They walk.
Deep purple and white lilies line the aisle. Smiles, cameras, tears fill the pews.
She can't see anything but him.
He sees only her.
They are the only two in the room.
She smiles and whispers a subtle "thank you" to God for allowing her to love. For creating love. For being love.
And she walks.

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